Mormon missionaries real gay sex stories

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These are a few stories from just the first week in the existence of the Facebook group Anonymous Mormon Stories & Secrets, which went live Sept. He told me that I should not tell anyone about it because I would ruin his (my rapist's) life and he had so much potential as a strong priesthood holder in the church.' When I finally had the guts to talk to someone, I went to my bishop. He took advantage of my very fragile state and raped me just a few weeks later. He came to the funeral and was being very kind to me so we started dating again. 'When I was 18, I broke up with my returned-missionary boyfriend (also the son of a bishop), because he tried to force me to take my clothes off so he could 'just look at me.' A few weeks later, my dad died suddenly. I'm glad I got out of BYU without an STD.' He targeted cute, slightly overweight girls with low self-esteem. He had a regular practice of hooking up with his students. 'While attending BYU, I would hook up often with a man taught.

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Fast forward seven years: My wife and I both have left the church, I have a much healthier view of myself and my sexuality, and that bishop is now in jail for the rest of his life for child molestation.' I hated myself and was convinced I had a serious addiction. My wife was devastated and I felt tremendous crushing shame.

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Several years ago, my bishop took my temple recommend for masturbation.

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